Wow! What an amazing couple of weeks! The 4th of July in Pirates Cove was awesome, we went kayaking, saw fireworks across the whole mainland, and met many cool people, a gentleman named Bob gifted us with smokes and water and food, thanks again Bob. Nick helped us out and drove us North along the Hwy 1 Monday morning and Billy came along for the ride. We stopped at San Simeon and hiked along the beach, walked through the Aspen and Cypress Groves and sat in a gnarly Spirit Tree, Mai Tai was even climbing it! San Simeon is a beautiful place, thanks Nick!. They dropped us off at Plaskett Creek campground along the South end of Big Sur where we said our farewells. We'll miss you Nick and Billy! Thanks for everything!
The next morning we caught our 1st ride in Big Sur with a local named Abraham, we crammed in the back of the truck laying down, watching the clouds and trees meeting in the mist, while he flew along the sharp curves in his beater. Pfeiffer state park was next, no dogs allowed on the trails, unfortunately, but we were able to do laundry, charge our phones and shower while there, and see the Big Sur river flowing into the sea.
Upon leaving the next morning, a tourist from Holland brought us into town, where a very cool lady Lila and her son Aja took us a good distance with gr8 conversation on religion and spirituality. She dropped us off in Watsonville, a small agro town, where we took a small ride into the middle of town, where we thought we might get stuck, when a Hispanic couple was captivated by Mai Tai and asked us "Donde?" and I say Santa Cruz and the say okay.
just as we were getting out of their car, a surfer Brett saw us and solicited us for a ride, taking us right into Davenport, a small surf town w/ famous dollar fifty beer and taco's. We stealth camped the first nite, but it was the next nite that really rocked. To be continued...
P.S. Sorry for lag between updates, but we have virtually no service along the coast. XOXO T.T.T.

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